Why Buy At Apple?


Apple has the best customer support and knowledge for our products. From carrier support to payment options, this page helps our customers navigate the best way to buy online or in-store.

UX Designer:
Tony Nguyen
Interaction Designer: Alex Greenlee (me)
Art Director: Lauren Camphyn
Producer: Monica
Copywriter: Holly Grigalunas
Front End Developer: Dalia Feinholz
ACDs: Maya Rioux & Kenny Lee
I ideated and presented initial idea for a resource page based on marketing insights from a previous project, created concepts, wireframed layout, finalized visual design, and image compositions.
Note: To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted confidential information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Apple.


Sites need a way to effectively provide the proper information when first submitting RRFs for approval. Monitoring and tracking submission is highly desired to effectively manage open invoices.

USOR needs a way to easily review and approve invoices in CTMS (ImageNow will be retired) within the deadline timeframe so that Sponsors can pay back Sites for clinical trial test work in a timely manner.

Project Goals


Educate more customers to buy at Apple rather than Best Buy or Target.


Inform on how to trade in and that it’s the best way to buy a new iPhone.


Clarify the multiple purchasing options.


Enhance the visibility on Apple’s customer support and retail workers.

Creative Direction

Before this was a formal project, the AD and I created a direction that was more associated with “How to buy an iPhone”. Concept 1 idea was to create a guide step by step in the order of what customers think about when purchasing a new phone. The page is organized by the different payment options up top, then, advertising Apple Card, followed by choosing an iPhone, Carrier options, Backing up, and then setting up.




To help compete with the Best Buy’s and Target’s of the world, the concept turned into a “Why buy from Apple” instead. The goal of Concept 2 was to increase our customer support usage and show major questions that are commonly asked by our consumers.


We wanted to pose questions that our parents would ask, consumers that may not be too tech-savvy. It should feel as if you are having a conversation with an Apple Expert in chat or in person.

After each section, we have chat buttons for easy access. When developing the copy, we actually asked these questions to support and took note of how they would respond in real life. Responsive design for desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Why buy at Apple >

Conclusion & Learnings

What started out as a mini passion project turned into a much-needed resource page for customers. Since this page has launched, additional resource pages like Finance and Carrier Deals have been added.

Working on this project taught me the importance of being detail-oriented. If you end up using the wrong typography cascade for desktop, tablet, and mobile, you will waste the developer's time and need a change request! Make sure that when you hand off final files, look at every little detail and be as clear as possible on annotations. Additionally, it was fun to explore with my AD on how to tell an informative storying using only one page and working side by side with my developer.

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